Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Importance of Financial Goals

Long term financial goals for students
Do you worry about money, and your financial future? 

Well, you're definitely not alone, today millions of Americans are dealing with increased living expenses. Increased expenses in food, education, and gas prices are at record highs.

Managing your finances have become much of a challenge in today's financial landscape. Personally, I've been to the lowest of lows, and I know what it's like to not only live on a tight budget, but survive on one.

My family and I lived on a shoestring budget as far back as I can remember.

Long Term Online Financial Goals


In college, I had aspirations to become an attorney, but because lack of monetary support, I ultimately had to drop out and find another career path that would financially support me.

At the time, the Internet was the wild, wild, west, much more so than today, so I set out to find ways to earn a living through the web.

So, while I was supporting myself selling insurance (which I disliked) and paying the bare minimum of my student loans, I was learning slowly about how to juggle my expenses.

Today, times are better for me, but I know from experience that I will have to be vigilant not to slip back into the same financial pitfalls.

Although I never gotten back on the path to be a lawyer, I still had to apply what I learned while I was in grad school.

Trying in these harsh times to manage my college loans and hopefully afford a mortgage to the home of my dreams.

Within this blog, will be free articles on all spectrum of personal finances.

How to Make Money Online: Learn how to make money from home with my step-by-step plan to build a $5000 per month passive income website portfolio (of ... each) (THE MAKE MONEY FROM HOME LIONS CLUB)

From how to live on a small budget, how to save more money on household expenses, how to save more on car insurance, how to invest wisely with the least amount of risk, and earning a decent passive income online from various methods.

As a matter of fact, half of my income today is from online revenue, just writing about the subjects that I am passionate about.

Trust me when I state, if someone like "me" can do it, anyone can.

Everyone should have goals in life, but before anything can be built it must have a solid foundation.

My hope is that visitors to my blog will glean information that will be pertinent to aid them in managing and maintaining their financial life.

Also learn ways to earn money online, pay off their loans faster, pay less for life, health, and car insurance as well.

The importance of achieving one's financial goals cannot be overstated. Please bear with me, for this site will continually be updating with new and relevant information.

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